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Spring Cleanse

April 13- May 4



The Spring season brings us more light, fresh air, and new birth.  This time of year offers us the opportunity to shed the darker days of winter and prime your body for the rejuvenation of Spring.  


We are launching our 3 week Spring cleanse designed to rid the body of the cumulative effects of our long New England winter. 


During the 3 week cleanse we will be using detoxifying foods and practices to support removal of the toxic bioaccumulation that is affecting energy and vitality. 

This naturopathic cleanse is medically supervised and is available to everyone, however we do require screening for anyone who is not a current patient at Riverstone Naturopathic Health. 


The cost of the cleanse is $260 which includes detox supplements, meal replacement shakes and the full cleanse protocol. 

Screening visit cost for those who are not current patients is $50.


Please call the office for more information and to sign up. 




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